Sunday, January 21, 2007

Website Advertising Ideas To Boost Your Internet Profits

Write about a niche area that you are interested in and create an Ecourse on it. Then start a marketing campaign to build a subscriber list. If the list grows quickly and people opt in to learn more about the niche, you are creating a ready pool of customers to sell to once the actual product is launched. Evidence will show if there is a strong need for the product.

Toward the end of your ad copy, use a "P.S." to remind your readers some last minute thoughts that will sway their decision in your favour. This is where you either want to repeat a strong benefit or a possible loss should the reader not purchase your product by taking quick action.

Create a free ebook that has valuable content, make it viral by allowing your readers to encode their own links into the ebook and allow them to give it away. This will increase your traffic and brand your internet identity.

Create multiple streams of income with your web site. The products offered should be focused around specific markets. Your own products and affiliate products should tie in with one another. Adding some adsense advertising to your website can also bring in some revenue.

Thank your visitors in your ad copy, for spending time to visit your website. Being respectful to the reader earns their trust, puts them in a good mood, and brands you as someone thoughtful about others. People are more likely to buy from someone they feel is likeable and a pleasure doing business with.

When a customer purchases your product, take them to a "Thank You" page which leads to backend products that compliment the first purchase.

Focus on a few products on your web site instead of selling a large amount of products. Too many choices can overwhelm your visitors and they will feel that you are not catering to their needs. Never introduce Offer A to your customer at the "Opt-In" page, then a different product B at your "Confirm Subscription" page and a different product C at your "Thank You" page. Remember that you have not made the sale yet and need to expose the same product ad to your potential customer multiple times in order to achieve maximum impact and close a sale.

Include content and free stuff on your web site that promote the products you're selling. If they don't read your ads, they may read your offerings.

Allow your visitors to identify with you. Use an audio generator, photograph and signature to publish information about yourself. Once people connect with you because of the efforts you put in to reach out to your readers, you will find it easier to close sales.

Provide a email address so that visitors know that they can have support when they need it. Some customers may send you an email to see how quick you respond, so its important to reply within 24 hours. Doing so will leave a good impression, connect you with your online customer and increase the likelihood of a sale. It also adds credibility to your business.

About the Author:
Sherman Choo is an Internet Marketer helping people all over the globe achieve Financial Freedom. To discover the perfect Internet Network Marketing business model that has helped thousands make money online and find out if this Internet Home Business is right for you. Visit==>
Posted: 05-11-2006
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