Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ten Secrets For Getting Free Advertising

The opportunities for getting free advertising for yourproduct or services are only limited by your imagination andenergy. There are so many proven ways to promote withoutcost and it’s truly mind-boggling! Here are ten proven methods.

1. Write an article relating to your area of expertise andsubmit it to all the publications and media dealing in thatrange of interest. Become your own promoter and writer. Getthe word out by establishing yourself as an expert on thattopic and "tag-along" everything you write with a referencebox listing your address for a catalog, dealershipopportunity, or more information.

2. Write shorter articles for the Internet and send them tobroadcast houses free articles. (These are known as "media-matching medias.") Here are a few sites to get youstarted:

3. Become a guest on as many radio, television talk shows,or interview-type programs as possible. (Actually, this iseasier to accomplish than most people realize!) Write aletter to the producer of the talk show, and then follow upwith an in-person visit or telephone call. Your initialcontact needs to emphasize how your product or service wouldbe of interest to the listeners or viewers of their program- perhaps even saving them time or money.

4. Post your advertising circulars on all the free bulletinboards in your area, especially the libraries, grocerystores, and beauty and barbershops. Don't discount the ideaof handing out circulars to all the shoppers in busyshopping centers, at bus or metro stops, and malls,especially on weekends. You can also enlist the help ofstudents to hand out circulars.

5. Print your product or service’s promotional ad on thefront or back of your envelopes or other people’senvelopes.**

6. Send program announcements on post cards. Shop formaximum size at minimal price. Use both sides forinformation leaving half of one side for the addressee’sinformation.

7. Check the publications that carry the kind ofadvertising you need and is compatible with yourproduct/service. Many new mail order publications offer lowrates to first-time advertisers; a free-of-charge insertionfor prepaid issues; or special seasonal ad space at reducedrates. In addition, there are a number of publications thatwill give you Per Inquiry (PI) space - an arrangement whereall orders come in to the publication -- they take acommission from each order, forward to you for fulfillment,and send you a check for the balance.

8. Ask about "stand-by" space. This means, you submit yourad and the publication holds it until they have unsoldspace, and then at a savings of 33% or more, you can insertyour ad. Check all local suburban and neighborhoodnewspapers for these opportunities.

9. Do you publish any kind of catalog or ad sheet? Get intouch with other publishers and inquire about bartering anadvertising exchange. They run your ad in their publicationin exchange for you running a comparable sized ad for them inyours.

10. Advertise a free offer. Simply run a print orelectronic ad offering a free report of interest to mostpeople or to a particular target market . Announce it inthe "tag-line." Alternatively, include the report as a bonusfor their purchase. The objective is to convert the largestpercentage of responses into sales, which is usually donewith a "tag-line" inviting the reader to ask for moreinformation or a free report.

Unleash your imagination and have a powerful forceworking for you to help increase your sales.

About the Author:
Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at: blog:
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