Monday, July 09, 2007

Misconceptions About Copywriters And Sales Letters

Myth 1- Hiring a copywriter is expensive Not true: Depends what you are selling, how many of it and what you negotiate on but that’s not the real issue. Sure, good to pro copywriters are expensive, sometimes they ask for 50% of the sales but consider this:

If you put a dollar in a machine and get 3,4,5 or 10 dollars back how many times would you do it?

If you said “I’d never do it” then you may want to go back to your 9-5 job, and not have anything to do with business.

If you said “as much as is humanely possible”, then Ding Ding Ding! You won a million bucks (or more….). With that mindset, you’re bound to do well in business. An investment that pays back many times is a good investment.

Myth 2- I can do it myself, copywriters don’t know anything about what I do Well that’s half true and half false. Copywriters may not know necessarily your product, your service or your industry well or at all. However an excellent copywriter (like me…) will know what questions to ask you about your product then turn that into words that sell. Sometimes we are so good at what we do that we end up assuming everyone knows the basics or assume that everyone understands jargon. Happens to everyone and often times people usually have no clue what you may be saying about your product and its features. Copywriters (like me) translate what your product to something that matters for your clients.

Myth 3- Copywriters are too much hassle Here’s another question, how much of a hassle and heartbreak is it when your business struggles or goes under and hits bankruptcy?

Myth 4- Once copywriters take your money, they run with it That’s somewhat oxymoronic and somewhat difficult to explain. There’s vastly more money to be made for both parties selling your stuff and if you don’t get paid, they don’t. Copywriters (such as I) make money only if you make money. Besides why would they have gone through all that work making your sales piece for a hundred bucks if it took them some 10-20 hours to work on? True, I require small upfront commitment, but it’s a way to ensure both of us are ready to commit to making money, and lots of it.

Myth 5- Copywriters are really an “extra” service that aren’t important Correction: You NEED a copywriter or possess copywriting skills if you want your business to grow. Nothing happens without a sale. Its not whether you can afford the commission of the copywriter that’s the question, you can’t afford not to have a quality copywriter. Think of how much money you have tied up in your product or your idea. If it’s not selling it just sits their collecting dust or worse, rotting away while you have to pay for the space, electricity, the capital to even have it built or delivered to you. A percentage of your item’s selling price is a small price to pay to save you 20 times the cost in time, energy, money and your emotional fuel.

Myth 6- Selling and sales letters aren’t that important, I’ll just stick it on eBay/someplace else on the web and people will come to it. Another dangerous and fatal belief; remember this: nothing happens without a sale. The most advanced computer system will languish and sit idle sucking up electricity and valued real estate (Office building or your home), the most sophisticated web hosting system, best trained engineers, accountants and lawyers will leave you if you don’t sell – or not offer their services. They don’t do charity. They usually will want all the money upfront. I’ll only ask for a nominal fee to ensure you’re committed and that we’re both in this together.

Myth 7- If I tell them how my business works and the secret ways I use things they’ll run off and tell and sell it to the highest bidder or use it themselves! Copywriters sell, not steal ideas.

Myth 8- If I tell them how my business works or even hire a copywriter, they will steal all my business ideas, and they will go run and make their own product (that’s almost exactly the same as yours..) and steal from MY business. Copywriters sell stuff, they don’t have time to go run off and build their own company overnight and compete in the same field you are in. Its just too much to do and not enough time to do it in.

Myth 9- They’ll want to steal my business I said it once, I said it twice, I will say it again. Copywriters are in the business of selling stuff, not stealing your idea or your product. Its so much easier to make money being honest and working together instead of working against so only something of an idiot or unethical copywriter (which I sure as hell am not) would want to steal your product and your ideas. Besides think of it this way:

Salesmen sell stuff Accountants process the information Delivery man delivers Manager Manages Clerks do filing Manufacturer manufactures

Do you think the salesman is going to run off and make his own product similar to the company he worked for? Not in a million years. Salesmen sell stuff, they don’t want to deal with the hassle of doing accounts receivables, payables, taxes owed, making the product, filing the paperwork and delivering it himself. More importantly, he makes vastly more money selling whatever product or service in question which benefits everyone else in the company. The Highest and Best use of his time is to sell, not stealing everyone else’s things, products or trying to do everything himself.

Copywriting is essential to your business success. You can either learn it for yourself and not have it produce immediate results because you're just starting out, or pay someone else who has the knowledge and experience that can get you results.

To your success

About the Author:
Andy Au is a freelance copywriter that specializes in making sales copy for high end items on eBay. His website caters to people who want to take their business to the next level, but only a few can be chosen for a man can only do so much in a day...
Article Submitted On: November 20, 2006
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